Drinking and Eating

and smoking and any other consumption-related leisure activity. We will make no apology for seeking pleasure in life!

Sunday, July 25, 2004

10 feet. That's the size of the hole I am digging to bury the nostalgic impulse that led me to eat this for breakfast. Stale pie crust with consistency of baseball card bubblegum surrounding a unclassifiable toxic red goo covered with a lacquer of nearly indigestible glaze. Digesting this, if that's what it can be called, is followed by a flopsweat inducing sugar buzz that clashes with and turns the taste of the heretofore excellent coffee ("Major Peet's Blend") into that of cardboard dipped in venison sweat. Ewwwww... and I used to like these as a kid. Haven't had one in years and now I know why. Posted by Hello


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