Drinking and Eating

and smoking and any other consumption-related leisure activity. We will make no apology for seeking pleasure in life!

Sunday, August 08, 2004

The unnamable (a funny guy) writes about San Francisco's coffee guy - who combines a random act of kindness with some sort of performance art.

Yesterday I was having coffee on the porch. And cigarettes. Because I so fucking oldschool. Then I brought my laptop outside because I have a difficult time maintaining “fucking oldschoolness” for more than 4 minutes. When my cup was empty, I had to actually stand up, put down my computer, and walk through my apartment in order to get a refill. And I thought, hell, my computer is out here surfing the interwave without wires, but my damn coffee maker has to be chained to one spot? This is not progress, people. At least one person is making a difference: meet marc, who likes his coffee in the goddamn park, thank you.
Check out the unnamable's full blog here. Now, if you'll excuse me I got to go check the short ribs -- I'm braising for the first time.
Posted by Hello


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